Friday, August 22, 2008

Revising, revising, revising

Sorry, got confused, not revising a picture book.

I'm feeling a teeny bit proud and whole lot scared. I'm within 3000 words of my 20,000 word goal. A goal I set for hashing out the chapters and plot of my first MG before I begin revising and polishing. Well, I should reach that goal by the end of the weekend and the revising can begin Monday. It coincides nicely with the first day back to school for the kids.
The question is, can I do it? Can I make it a page turning, intricately-woven mystery with characters everyone wants to follow? Gosh, I hope so. I’m sure going to try, but it scares the bejeebers out of me.


africakidandtheworld said...

Way to go! I know how intimidating so many words can be if you've focused more on picture books before. And I do like

Heather Rising said...

Thanks for your support!

More intimidating are the first 4 chapters starting to come back from my crit group. Deep breath. I can do this. Right?

Stephanie J. Blake said...

Good job! Keep going! Don't look at the past work, just get the story down, first. Easier said than done.


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